
Minnesota Accepting Applications For 2021 Industrial Hemp Program 

 November 19, 2020

By  Stratis Hemp

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  • Minnesota Accepting Applications For 2021 Industrial Hemp Program

Minnesota's Department of Agriculture (MDA) has begun accepting applications for licenses for the 2021 hemp growing season. This will be the first year the state will be operating under a new plan recently approved by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) that outlines how Minnesota will oversee the industry in the state. Previously, Minnesota had been operating under a pilot program while waiting for USDA approval.

All individuals and businesses interested in growing or processing hemp in Minnesota must obtain a license. First-time applicants need to submit an application along with fingerprints, pass a criminal background check, and pay an annual fee of $150-$250. Returning applicants get to bypass the fingerprints and background check and just pay the annual licensing fee.

Related: US Hemp Production Plans By State, Territory, And Tribe

Applications can be submitted online, and will be accepted through April 30, 2021.

You can read the entire Minnesota Industrial Hemp Plan (pdf) here, but here are a few highlights:

  • Growers must submit a Planting/Harvest Report Form no more than 7 days after planting to notify the MDA of an anticipated harvest date.
  • Licensees must maintain records regarding the acquiring, production, handling, selling, and disposal of all plants. All records must be maintained for at least three years.
  • Growers must report their hemp crop acreage to their local USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) office.
  • Seed growers must register with and follow the requirements for certification of the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association.
  • Within 15 days of harvest, hemp crops must be tested to ensure that they do not exceed 0.3% total THC on a dry weight basis.

Industrial Hemp Program
Plant Protection

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