
Is Hempcrete The Best Building Material? 

 December 24, 2020

By  Stratis Hemp

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  • Is Hempcrete The Best Building Material?

Hemprete has been used for hundreds of years, so to call it a "new" building material is silly, to say the least. Nevertheless, it is being "rediscovered," and its popularity as an eco-friendly alternative to traditional construction is on the rise.

Hempcrete is a popular choice for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint, since it absorbs CO2 as it sets. It’s also pest-proof, since it is impossible for unwanted guests like mice and roaches to eat their way through it, and it’s one of the most breathable insulators on the market, making it resistant to mold and mildew. Additionally, hempcrete is made of completely non-toxic, biodegradable materials, which does wonders for the air quality of the home.

“Hempcrete is a fringe building media in the U.S. at the moment, but I think it could become a traditional building choice if the momentum continues,” says Kelly Thornton, CEO of Left Hand Hemp. “I consider it the best building material on the planet because you get all the benefits of a strong, virtually impenetrable wall without worrying about making a negative impact on the environment.”

Thornton also said hempcrete is virtually fireproof, making it ideal for those living in dry parts of the country such as California, Oregon, and Colorado, where wildfires are a major threat. This is mostly thanks to the earthen plaster in it. In an ASTM fire safety test conducted earlier this year, hempcrete received a perfect score.

Read the full article at www.greenstate.com

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