
Hemp Perfect Fit For Biden Climate Strategy 

 December 8, 2020

By  Stratis Hemp

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  • Hemp Perfect Fit For Biden Climate Strategy

A recent policy memo released by President-elect Biden's team outlines a broad environmental initiative, one that includes the growing of carbon-sequestering crops, like hemp.

The memo outlines steps the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) could take in the fight against climate change.

While hemp is not specifically mentioned in the Biden plan, the multi-faceted plant is a perfect fit to achieve the goals outlined in the “Climate 21 Project” recommendations for USDA. Among the major suggestions in the plan is to establish and expand programs that encourage farmers, ranchers, and landowners to take up practices that scientists believe can help reduce atmospheric carbon.

The USDA’s national footprint, its loan and grantmaking authority, and its sway over decision-making in rural America “should make (the agency) a lynchpin of the next administration’s climate strategy,” the memo’s authors suggest.

Read the full article at hemptoday.net

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