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What is hemp?

Industrial hemp is a variety of Cannabis sativa that has been used by humanity for thousands of years for everything from paper and textiles to food, plastics, and fuel.

There are four types of industrial hemp:

  • Oilseed/grain
  • Fiber
  • Hybrid, aka dual purpose, which produces both fiber and seed, but not in the quantity or quality of single-purpose cultivars.
  • Cannabinoids/Essential oils (i.e., CBD)

There are more than 66 known, unique chemical compounds that can be extracted from the plant, including THC, the psychoactive component found in marijuana. However, by law, the THC levels are so low that there is no chance of getting “high.”

Every part of the plant is usable, nothing need go to waste.

There are four major components of the hemp plant, each with their own specific properties and ideal uses.

  • Seeds are primarily made into hemp oil and food products.
  • Leaves and flowers are used for medicinal extracts, like CBD.
  • Hurds are primarily used in animal bedding, hempcrete, and fiberboard.
  • Bast fibers are used to make specialty papers, textiles, and for a number of automotive applications.

What is hemp used for?

There are tens of thousands of uses for hemp. It can be utilized in  literally EVERY aspect of our lives. When you understand that virtually anything made from petroleum or trees can be made from hemp, you can begin to  grasp the possibilities of this amazing plant.

Here are but a few of the many hemp uses:

  • Human Food
  • Animal Food and Bedding
  • Medicine
  • Body Care Products
  • Paper
  • Clothing and Textiles
  • Construction Products
  • Plastics
  • Fuel  

Hemp Plant Components And Their Uses

Roots - The roots of the hemp plant have many medicinal uses, from inflammation to skin burns to treating infections and fever. They are also used to make rope, and as an additive for gun powder.
Stalk - The stalk of the hemp plant is arguably the most versatile part of the plant. The outer fiber, or bast, can be used for making rope, textiles, paper, etc. The core, called the hurd or shive, can be used for animal bedding, bioplastics, hempcrete, etc.

Leaves - The leaves of the hemp plant can be used for food and medicinal purposes, animal bedding, mulch, and compost. They make a tasty, super-healthy addition to salads.

Flowers - The flowers of the hemp plant, like the leaves, can be used for food and medicinal purposes. They can be used for making vaporized products, CBD, and other cannabinoids.

Seeds - The seeds of the hemp plant have a nearly unlimited number of uses. They can be used for food and medicinal purposes, production of oil, biofuel, as an ingredient in cosmetics and body care products, etc.

As of December 2018, all industrial hemp is federally legal, that means in ALL 50 states, as long as it has a THC content of less than 0.3 percent.

Specifically, Section 297A of the 2018 Farm Bill states:

HEMP. - The term ‘hemp’ means the plant Cannabis sativa L. and any part of that plant, including the seeds thereof and all derivatives, extracts, cannabinoids, isomers, acids, salts, and salts of isomers, whether growing or not, with a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis.

To see how each state is regulating production and processing, check out our US Hemp Production Plans page.

When is hemp illegal?

Any hemp with a THC content of more than 0.3% is considered illegal.

Is industrial hemp the same as marijuana?

No. While both types of hemp are classified as Cannabis sativa L., they are very different plants, with very different uses.

Industrial hemp contains very little THC (delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive component of marijuana, and is grown for use in various food, medicinal, and industrial applications. 

How is hemp oil made?

There is more than one type of oil produced from the hemp plant. So,  the term “hemp oil” gets used in multiple contexts causing confusion as  to what it actually, technically is. Therefore, the correct answer as  to “how hemp oil is made” requires some clarification.

Hempseed oil is often mistakenly referred to as hemp oil. It is most commonly made by cold-pressing ripened hemp seeds under sufficient pressure to expel the oil.

Hempseed oil is used in foods, cooking, personal care products, manufacturing, biofuels, and more.

Hemp oil (CBD) is most often produced via extraction from the flowers, or buds of the plant. While all parts of the plant contain CBD and can therefore produce CBD hemp oil, the highest concentrations are in the buds. 

Extraction methods vary, but entail using CO2 (carbon dioxide) and/or liquid solvents, including ethanol, butane, hexane, or isopropyl alcohol and/or a carrier oil, like coconut, hemp seed, or olive oil. The extraction methods can differ considerably in cost and quality of end product.

Once the oil is extracted from the hemp, it is refined and purified to remove unwanted components to arrive at the final CBD oil product.

Hemp oil is used primarily for medicinal purposes.

How many hemp seeds in a pound?

There are approximately 25,000 to 27,000 seeds per lb., regardless of whether or not they are for fiber, grain, or CBD producing plants. 

How many hemp seeds to plant per acre?

Exactly how much hemp seed per acre to plant depends on many factors, but here is a rough guide:

  • Grain - approximately 25-35 pounds of seed per acre which accounts for a 70-80 percent germination rate.
  • Fiber- approximately 45-55 pounds of seed per acre.
  • CBD - 1,500-3,000 hemp plants per acre, depending on variety and spacing.

How many hemp plants per acre?

Many variables affect just how many hemp plants are in an acre, but, under optimal conditions you can expect: 

  • Grain - approximately 400,000 hemp plants per acre.
  • Fiber- approximately 800,000 hemp plants per acre.
  • CBD - 1,500-3,000 hemp plants per acre, depending on variety and spacing.

How much does hemp seed cost?

One of the most asked questions we get is, “how much is hemp seed?” Well, depending on variety and order quantity we estimate, roughly:

  • Grain or Fiber - under $10/lb.
  • CBD - approximately $0.30-$5.00 per seed or $3,500-$20,000 per pound depending on whether regular or feminized seed.

Can hemp have THC?

All hemp contains some amount of THC. However, the 2018 Farm Bill mandated that hemp grown for industrial purposes must contain no more than 0.3% THC to remain legal.